Child of the Sun.
The thought of not seeing you again was unbearable.
As if reality is really real;
“Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real” – Niels Bohr
“People like to play small, but you are an extension of the power that created the whole universe. You have to be conscious. And once you understand that, that’s when you can really have a party.” — RuPaul
Narcissistic Potentialist
Maybe I'm just being narcissistic, but I feel this pins me down much better than any diagnosis or analysis that any doctor has ever given me....
"While there is some dispute[citation needed] as to the degree of prevalence of this phenomenon, it is a significant problem for those who experience it, leading to overscheduling, high stress levels, confusion, paralysis by analysis, and impulsive or conformist choices in gifted children, and to feelings of social alienation, purposelessness, apathy and depression in the brightest of adults.[citation needed] Boredom is also a frequent occurrence in multipotentialites who have already "mastered" or learned everything they desire to know about a particular topic before moving on.[citation needed]"
"While there is some dispute[citation needed] as to the degree of prevalence of this phenomenon, it is a significant problem for those who experience it, leading to overscheduling, high stress levels, confusion, paralysis by analysis, and impulsive or conformist choices in gifted children, and to feelings of social alienation, purposelessness, apathy and depression in the brightest of adults.[citation needed] Boredom is also a frequent occurrence in multipotentialites who have already "mastered" or learned everything they desire to know about a particular topic before moving on.[citation needed]"
"sorry, I have a boyfriend"
"the reason women have learned to say, "I'm sorry, I have a boyfriend" when rejecting a man's advances is because we have all been culturally conditioned to believe that respecting the property of another man is more important than respecting the wishes of a fully actualised human being woman person."
Eating Animals: Addressing Our Most Common Justifications
But mainly, - beause you have a choice.
But mainly, - beause you have a choice.
Best of today
"Science can not solve the ultimate mystery of nature.
And that is because, in the last analysis,
we ourselves are a part of the mystery that we are trying to solve."
- Max Planck
I told you so...
There's no cure for you
like there's no cure for fools
we can treat the insane
but not the inane
Word of the day,
"Essentially, as you purify internally, there is less dense energy within your lower bodily vehicles to keep dragging you back into the darkness."
Patriarkatet på tuben
Folk som brer ut sig på tunnelbanan. Fast det är nästan fullt. Nästan alltid män. Fan vad det suger. Det är nästan en symbolisk spegling av hur vi kvinnor alltid får ta lite mindre plats i samhället som stort. Hon mitt emot mig har klänning på sig, särade på benen en sekund bara, då såg man trosorna, så knep hon ihop igen. Som en liten sköldpadda in i sitt skal. Waterloo station, någon sätter sig bredvid mig. Benen brett isär och armarna på båda armstöden. Han har jeans på sig så han kan såklart sära på benen och bre ut sig hur jävla mycket eller lite han vill. Fan vad lack jag blir. Han lutar sig framåt för en sekund. Stoneface, jag smyger ner min armbåge på armstödet. Han lutar sig tillbaka, våra underarmar gnids emot varandra när han ska återta sin position. Jag vet inte riktigt varför det känns så obehagligt. Jag funderar på att ta bort min arm. Det är väl den väluppfostrade saken att göra? Den svenska saken att göra? Den kvinnliga saken att göra? Det vänder sig nästan i magen men jag spelar oberörd och sitter så jävla stilla. Ett, två, tre, fem sekunder. Och han viker sig. Bokstavligen talat. Lutar hela kroppen åt höger. Långt bort från min personliga sfär. Han har gett upp. Han tar fortfarande plats, men han tar fan inte min plats. Det låter obetydligt, men det känns stort.
(and not a day that I don't miss you)
Seven years since I saw you last,
Many more until I see you again.
Many more until I see you again.
~•*{six months}*•~
I'm the luckiest girl in the world.
You make it all worth it.
"One day we'll buy all our food at whole foods"
Google floogle

I hope you don't mind,

How wonderful life is, now you're in the world.
Not alone.
We are like two zebras,
in a herd of horses.
And I'm so glad I found you.
I don't want to turn out to be just another red rock
The more there is to gain, the more we have to lose.
Darling, I'm terrified.

I hope you find what you're looking for.
What we're all looking for. That thing that's missing.
That thing that motivates all our actions, drives us to consumerism and meaningless sex.
Maybe I should turn to stoicism. Turn to asceticism. Be less needy, less greedy.
I'll turn to books. And I'll turn to you.
We'll decide thats all we need, and turn it in to a self-fulfilling prophecy.