Welcome to your twenties...
This is the time when you're supposed find yourself. You are supposed to get established in society. You are supposed to do something with your life.
And you think you have all the time in the world, ten years is quite some time. So you look back on the last ten years of your existance for proof. Mosts likely you find that you accomplished;
Ok, maybe you grew some tits or some beard and graduated from college (big whop). Doesn't count. Because that's what you're supposed to do. Most likely you will keep on doing what you're supposed to.
You're supposed to get a job.
You are supposed find someone to love.
And you're supposed to get rid of that restless leg syndrome, because someone told me stability and motion is a paradox.
You're supposed to adjust all premises so that when you're thirty they are all set to - happily ever after.
But most of all, this is supposed to be your glory days. This is when you're supposed to have the time of your life. This is the time for fun and happiness.
So be happy motherfucker.