Mr. Strauss told me...
Y o u m i s s 1 0 0 % o f T h e c h a n c e s y o u d o n ' t t a k e .
S o m e o l d l y r i c s . . .
My skin aches of hunger
I can't wait much longer
I'm thinking stolen thoughts
and breathing borrowed air
there are miles between us
but do you even care?
I can't wait much longer
I'm thinking stolen thoughts
and breathing borrowed air
there are miles between us
but do you even care?
[...] spotlight's going down
our melody is tuning out
hangin' in there
are we living or just staying alive?

T a l k t a l k t a l k . . .

I t h i n k y o u t h i n k t o o m u c h .
“Three Rules of Work:
... Out of clutter find simplicity. From discord find harmony. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”
Honesty, honestly...
A man unwilling to fIght for what he wants deserves what he will get.
And sometimes you don't know what you want, but there's only one way to find out.
And sometimes you don't know what you want, but there's only one way to find out.

T h e y s a y y o u o n l y r e g r e t t h e t h i n g s y o u d i d n ' t d o .
Lazy adolescents....
We're literally just 5 meters away.

I dreamt that you kissed me. And it was horrible. But I still wanted you?
Just like you're being weird, but I'm still trying.

So I'm gonna stop (being an idiot).
more than 10 less than 20
Me and the wifey are trying to list the people we've slept with.
We aren't very successful.
We aren't very successful.
what does it mean does it matter does it matter what it means
Behind shut doors
we're all sluts and whores
they say when you know
you know
But I feel so stupid
to dumb to show
too afraid to branch out
too numb to grow
ten thousand maybes
lined up in a row
we're all sluts and whores
they say when you know
you know
But I feel so stupid
to dumb to show
too afraid to branch out
too numb to grow
ten thousand maybes
lined up in a row

Getting better

Careless. Care. Less.

cheerios and milk
" Jag tror att vi måste bestämma oss för att vara lyckliga, se vad vi behöver för att komma dit och ta det från världen "
" I think we have to decide to be h a p p y , see what we need to get there and then take it from the world "
- My friend Emma
" I think we have to decide to be h a p p y , see what we need to get there and then take it from the world "
- My friend Emma
And Robert Pattinson isn't even hot anymore. My whole world is falling apart.
I hate this town X. I don't think I came here looking for something, I think I came trying to leave something behind. I think I was running from something and I just realised I won't ever be able to shake it off.
why do I care?

Kind of wish I didn't, cause it fucking hurts.
Livet är för kort,
Och alla hinder är till för att passeras.
Torka aldrig tårar utan handskar
"Do you know where you're going then?"
"No... Do you?"
"Should we go there together?"
what am I doing?
Don't leave him hanging.
Let him fall.

Let him fall.

My fingers smell like fish. I wish there was a more fun reason for it than the fact that I actually just ate fish.
Getting in to deep...
Shit. I dreamt about you. Shit.